Monday, December 8, 2008

another waffle post?

Meeting Brad had been something of a Cosmopolitan soaked blur, but after he had conceded to picking up her tab and bragging about his fondness for breakfast in bed, well a nightcap at his place quickly became a no brainer. Suzie wasn't an "easy" lady to get to know, but like many 30 somethings still fumbling for intimacy she was prone to getting wrapped up in the moment and wound up on certain odd Sunday mornings searching for her panties and her debit card while perched atop very cautious tip toes. As it was in her nature, Suzie immediately started to embellish last nights conquest as soon as she stepped onto the number 6 bus home from Brad's uptown flat. Turning to an elderly black woman who repeatedly dipped her cockled fingers into a can of fruit salad fishing for cherries, she exclaimed,"I recently started having sex for money."

When she said money, Suzie meant jewelry.

And by jewelry, Suzie I meant waffles.

This piece was an entry for the site,, an online journal. It was not chosen for publication.

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